luni, 30 august 2010

Deserve to die alone...

I wanna be the rain which wet your face.I don't wanna try to spare you.I want to hide my face in the sadness and dispair without you to judge me.I wanna make a world just for my soul 'cause it is too weird to understand it.I wanna open the window and feel a ruthless wind.I wanna live in a silent pain.I wanna take a look in a remembrance box and cry because of a lost friendship bracelet.
Just wake me up when september ends...

sâmbătă, 28 august 2010

Sa inceapa Anarhiaaa,in Romaniaaaa!!!!

Noapte lunga de betie,pana-n zori de zi sa fie.Unde-i vodka si rachia ca sa-nceapa Anarhiaaaa,in Romaniaaa!!!!!!
Cargo a scos tot ce-i mai nebun din noi si toata lumea a fredonat melodiile lor.Piese precum Anarhia,Nu mai am tigari,Ploaia si Calare pe motoare ne-au dezinhibat total si a iesit o nebunie in care nu conta ce faceam daca ne distram.
O trupa care merita sa dai tot din tine cand sunt pe scena.
Cea mai tare noapte cu cea mai tare gasca si cu cea mai buna privesliste de pe umerii baietilor:X:X:X
ROCK FOreveeR!!!

joi, 26 august 2010

Longing for your bleeding soul...

"Baby, have you seen, there is a snake in our paradise
A serpent that's wriggling between us
And freezing our feelings to ice..."
You always say something wrong with me or you try to find a reason to leave me? I don't want to speak a word to keep you here because you make me cry when you look deep in my eyes and say that i'm empthy.I know i'm not a perfect girl but you remember me that thing in every second i breath.You are the one who reach my tears and make me feel dead when i'm close to you.I deserve you  to leave me 'cause now i can live alone,nothing hurts me,anymore.I'm too weak and tired to fight in this wicked game.I have one request before you go forever...kill me with your love and chase the snake away and then try to keep my memory in your graveheart.
He left...i'm nothing in a sea of pain,trying to swim to nowhere,hoping that somewhere i'll find you and bring you back...
I don't have anything to's just imagination.

marți, 24 august 2010

Fear of fearing...

This is not what i wanna see,because i don't see you smile.In fact i don't see anyone smiling.It is just a word,a lost way of being happy.The man is the shortest way from life to death and this thing makes us so pessimistics.All our lives we think about death,money and don't see what is really important.Think more about the persons that deserve to be your friends!!!Live today because tomorow you don't know what can happen.Nothing is what it seems and i have always a changing mood,but i try to deny what i feel,hoping that this will pass behind me.Is someone who sees me and makes me cry when i'm alone or exhausted.Will come a time when all this memories will become just a nightmere and everything will be well,again.Until then,hold me tight and never let me,because i'm too weak to be brought back to reality.Don't forget that i'm the only one who waits for you and i'll be there until you drown in this life.I realise that the silence is all i want,but is not so easy how some people thinking and when the war is right in our hearts nobody loves no one.That's the life and this is me...just an unforgiven kid,in a dead world...never me,but always here.

sâmbătă, 21 august 2010


Mi-e dor de mare.Sunt atat de aproape dar nu pot ajunge.Cand esti departe si nu ai sanse sa ajungi iti reusesti.Cand am ajuns,valurile udau obiectivul si nu am putut vedea nimic dar ne-a spalat invelisul asta ieftin in care traim.Zgomotul vietii nu avea ce cauta,tot ce auzeam era briza...atat.Dar totusi,indepartandu-ne,aveam sufletul mai curat ca imi voi mai acoperi fata si ochii pustii niciodata pentru ca marea ne-a vindecat.Sa spun lucrurilor pe nume,sa strig cand sunt nervoasa,sa rup mesaje din amintire si sa dau foc mall-urilor cand toti prietenii mei sunt prinsi acolo ca intr-o capcana.Sa fuga din calea dezastrului si sa nu se ma intoarca niciodata.Toate astea sunt limite ce le ating cand nu mai exista cale de intoarcere,scapare...Lasa-te dus de gand si vino in lumea mea,"vino sa visam sub apa!!!"


miercuri, 18 august 2010

S&M=devil's work:D
S&M(Symphony and Metallica-1999)a reprezentat,dupa parerea mea,unul dintre cele mai importante concerte din cariera trupei.Metallica a lucrat in colaboare cu orchestra simfonica din San Francisco,dirijata de regretatul Michael Kamen(1948-2003).In urma concertului,Metallica a scos ultimul album la care a contribuit chitaristul Jason Newsted.De la sound si pana la lumini,totul a constituit o experienta de neegalat,pusa in evidenta de vocea lui James(am inceput sa cred ca nu e om:))).Sper sa va placa si sa vedeti exemplu de orchestratie,poate isi dau si unii seama cat talent au baietii astia...Enjoy!!!:D

Less of me...

Hello everybody!! sau ar trebui sa spun Konichua!!! Oricum ar fi e prima mea postare:D:D:D.I'm excited!!!:))In acest blog voi abera dar cu bun simt in special despre pasiunile mele(o sa va dati seama care sunt).Hope you'll like it and i expect to become my followers!!!:)):))